Going on a Snipe Hunt - Part 2

Is your kid still looking for snipes in the backyard? While they're occupied, let me tell you about the second type of extinct Snipe
Today we'll look at the:
South Island Snipe

Quick Facts:
1) Extinct September 1, 1964
2) The last two recorded snipes were captured in 1964 but died soon after.
3) also known as tutukiwi in Maori language although it's a different species than North Island Snipe
4) Black rats were accidentally introduced on Stewart Island, and led to the snipe's demise.
A quote by Herbert Guthrie-Smith about the South Island Snipe, "Snipe begin to lay about the end of October and continue during the early November. Except that the legs are pale yellow they much resemble the common Snipe of the Old Country. The sexes vary but little, the male rather larger and of rather a richer plumage. The birds stand about two and a half inches high and measure along the body about six inches. Both male and female sit."



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