My Book - Deader Than a Dodo

Since I have taught 4th & 5th graders for the past 18th, I've always enjoyed exposing students to literature that will get them to think about things and get into great discussions about a variety of topics. Now that I have three kids of my own I have an even bigger drive to get the next generation excited about understanding how to save currently endangered animals from extinction.

The premise of the book is that Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise volunteers to go extinct early in order to help 9 extinct animals return to earth.  There are 3 "triads" in the story and my kids had a ton of great questions, so I put together some visual aides to help them follow the animals in my book as they try to save mankind.

I'm not sure if they're more excited about hearing my book or seeing the pictures of my characters.  

The Northern Triad:
- Eldey the Great Auk
- Boomer the Heath Hen
- Martha the Passenger Pigeon

The Southern Triad:
- Benjamin the Thylacine
  (Tasmanian Tiger)
- Moana the Giant Moa
- Stephen the Stephens Island            Wren

The Scattered Triad:
- Astuto the Dodo
- Stella the Steller's Sea Cow
- Strong the Falkland Island Wolf 

-Lusade the Serpent
- Nessie the Loch Ness Monster
- Pat the Bigfoot


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