Goals for 2021

Thank you to all of my followers (A little birdie told me there are about a dozen of you).  I have revamped my site and hope to be able to better highlight animals that have gone extinct in recent times, the past 350 years or so.  

My goal for starting this blog has been 2 fold.

1) To bring attention to those animals that have gone extinct in recent years, so that we can hopefully save critically endangered animals from similar fates.  There are so many amazing creatures that we'll never be able to see in the wild or in zoos.

2) To be able to use some of my creativity to get people interested in recently extinct animals, which is why I wrote my book, Deader Than a Dodo.  I'm hoping that by putting extinct animals into an adventure, kids will get more excited about saving creatures facing similar fates in the near future.

My goal is is to do a post every other day that highlights extinct animals and have a drawing/cartoon to accompany it. 

I will also be continuing the seemingly impossible dream of finding a publisher for my book.  See the link to the first half of my book below.

Here's my take on Lonesome George.  Enjoy.


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